Aug 25, 2007

Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection

Reconnective Healing® is often a life-changing experience, using new frequencies to heal your body, mind and spirit.

In Reconnective Healing we do not focus on specific ailments or needs. We know that your healing will be the most appropriate for you at this time. Healing comes as a return to balance. Your healing session will bring your whole self back into balance at some level.

The powerful, new healing frequency of Reconnective Healing initially made its appearance through Dr Eric Pearl, a Los Angeles chiropractor. His patients began reporting healings that were outside the normal range of chiropractic care, leading Dr Pearl to investigate this work more fully.

Today, this extraordinary work is the subject of scientific investigation as researchers attempt to understand the nature of this amazing healing. It is different from the energy healing modalities such as reiki, but the exact nature of the frequencies is not yet understood. Scientists posit that the frequencies may even be altering the structure of the DNA, so powerful is the effect of the work.

As a practitioner who was personally trained by Dr Pearl, I am able to facilitate healings in my clinic. I have had the honour and the privilege of being part of the interaction as people heal from cancer, ruptured organs, muscular injuries, addictions, depression, and many other illnesses. I do not understand how these healings occur, but I am very willing to give thanks to the Universe that they do occur. I have also witnessed people experiencing unusual events during their healing sessions, events that are outside our bounds of rational explanation.

Healing happens when the whole self is ready. If you are attached to a particular outcome, this may not happen. Your particular healing may come at any level of being; physical emotional, mental, social, spiritual, or even in some way that we don’t yet know about.

Be open to receive whatever healing arrives for you, even if it’s not the one you’re looking for. It is directed by your highest self for your own greatest good. Trust that the healing you receive is the one best suited to your need. You will continue to bring in light and information for your own healing until the process is complete for you.

During the session, I will totally guarantee that you are in the Reconnective Healing frequencies. I cannot guarantee the outcome, as this is between you and your point of wholeness in the universe. You will receive a healing. You may not recognise it immediately.

I recommend 1-3 sessions with several days between each session.

The Reconnection®

The purpose of The Reconnection® is to establish a permanent link between your ‘self’ here on earth and the energy gridlines fuelling the universe. This connection accelerates your evolutionary process. After The Reconnection, your life will start to shift! You will now be connected to the fullness of the universe, and opened to achieving your highest potential.

The energy gridlines of the universe, sometimes called the cosmic lattice, run through every aspect of the universe, through the earth, the atmosphere, through space, through the farthest galaxies. They provide the light and information required to bring life to the universe.

The Reconnection creates a new set of meridians on your body, lines similar to the acupuncture meridians, then joins them to the lines of the universe. This connection enables you to bring in light and information from the universe for your highest good. Once you have The Reconnection, you are able to bring in frequencies for your own healing and evolution from the highest source.
When you have been reconnected to the energy gridlines, the connection is permanent for this life on earth. There is no need for any extra Reconnection session, no requirement for ‘top-ups’ or any further Reconnection work. You may still choose to have Reconnective Healing sessions around a particular issue or concern, but The Reconnection is complete for this lifetime.

The Reconnection takes place over two consecutive days, with each session taking about an hour. While there is no firm requirement, we recommend that you have one to three sessions prior to The Reconnection, to facilitate the process.

Note the date of The Reconnection on your calendar. Notice how your life changes from this point. Many people experience profound changes to their lives after having The Reconnection.

Reconnective Healing Sessions

Reconnective Healing is for the person who wants to address a specific situation in life; a health challenge, a recurring difficulty, an emotional condition, or some other circumstance that requires healing. Few sessions are required, just one to three, for the benefit to be received.

Reconnective Healing brings its own intelligence, so it is not directed by either the practitioner or the client. It brings the client back into balance, beginning a healing that the whole person requires, but not one directed by their thoughts, wishes or wants. While I cannot guarantee the outcome of the healing session, I will guarantee completely that you are in the healing frequencies for the duration of the session.

The healing is given by The Universe, a gift to the recipient. The form of that gift is not for us to determine, just ours to receive with gratitude.

Distance Healing

Reconnective Healing is not limited by the earthly constraints of distance. Sessions facilitated remotely are as effective as sessions face-to-face. Distance healing can be offered to people with or without their prior awareness. You can arrange a distance healing session for yourself, or a distance healing session for a friend or family member.

Healing over distance is remarkably effective, and can be used for children, animals, people in hospital, or for others who are unable or unwilling to visit me in person. Likewise, if you would prefer to choose a distance healing for yourself, I can easily arrange this.


What is Reconnective Healing?

Reconnective Healing is a form of healing that is here on the planet for the very first time. It reconnects us to the fullness of the universe as it reconnects us to the fullness of our beings and of who we are. It is considered to be able to reconnect us to the universe and to our very essence not just through a new set of healing frequencies, but through possibly an entirely new bandwidth. The reality of its existence has demonstrated itself clearly in practice as well as in science laboratories.

The Reconnection is the umbrella process of reconnecting to the universe, which allows Reconnective Healing to take place. These healings and evolutionary frequencies are of a new bandwidth brought in via a spectrum of light and information. It is through The Reconnection that we are able to interact with these new levels of light and information, and it is through these new levels of light and information that we are able to reconnect. This is something new. This is different. This is real—and it can be entrained in each of us.

How did Eric Pearl discover Reconnective Healing?

As a doctor, Eric ran a highly successful chiropractic practice for 12 years until one day when patients began reporting that they felt his hands on them—even though he hadn’t physically touched them. For the first couple of months his palms blistered and bled. Patients soon reported seeing angels and receiving miraculous Healings from cancers, AIDS-related diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, birth disfigurements, cerebral palsy, and other serious afflictions. All this occurred when Eric simply held his hands near them. And to this day, it continues.

How does this compare to other frequencies? How does it differ from the other forms of energy work used now?

There is something that we’re experiencing of which most of you are at least somewhat aware. It’s that time seems to be moving faster as well as expanding. This transition is referred to by many names. "The Shift" and "Shift of the Ages" are two terms used by Gregg Braden. The transition was predicted by the Mayans, the Incas, the Hopi, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Kabbalah (both Jewish and Christian). In Walking Between the Worlds, Braden defines this shift as "both a time in Earth history as well as an experience of human consciousness. Defined by the convergence of decreasing planetary magnetics and increasing planetary frequency upon a point in time, the Shift of the Ages, or simply, The Shift, represents a rare opportunity of collectively repatterning the expression of human consciousness. The Shift is the term applied to the process of Earth accelerating through a course of evolutionary change, with the human species linked, by choice, to the electromagnetic fields of Earth, following suit through a process of cellular change."

In the healing realm, many of the techniques that have stood the test of time function just as well now as they always did—it’s just that we now have more, and we now are more, so the old techniques are no longer enough. As good as they always were, within our new, expanded parameters, they are no longer appropriate—just as lanterns would not be appropriate as headlights on a car, although, for a horse and buggy, they functioned just fine. The weaknesses these techniques are subject to—requiring the removal of jewelry, the removal of leather, faith on the part of the recipient, protection rituals for both parties involved—are not present in the new frequencies.

Remember, too, why many of us who have been practicing healing techniques got involved with them in the first place. It wasn’t to become a fanatical follower for the technique itself—it was to become a healer. The technique was simply one of our early steps in this process.

For a moment, picture yourself standing at the foot of a grand, cascading staircase. One of your goals—that of becoming a healer—awaits you at the top. Your first step is to learn a technique. You throw yourself into this technique, mastering it, maybe even becoming a teacher. You now own this first step. It’s okay to love it, but be careful not to fall in love with it. Because if you do, you’ll sit down, grab a blanket and pillow, move in, and make this step the center of the rest of your life. But what does that mean about the remainder of your journey up the staircase? It stops. Now is the time to bless your first steps . . . and continue upward.

So are you saying that this is better than the other techniques?

Of course not. This is not a question of "better or worse," this is a question of appropriateness. Just as you realize that if you’re driving your Maserati on the Autobahn on your way to a romantic dinner, candle-lit lanterns would not make appropriate headlights, you probably also realize that, once you sit down to dine, halogen headlights would not make the most appropriate table lighting. Reconnective Healing is here now to give us something more comprehensive and expansive because now is the time that we can have something more comprehensive and expansive.

Does Reconnective Healing only work on physical problems? Will it work on mental problems as well?
Healing is a return to balance. Every health challenge is a combination of the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional (and probably a few other classifications we don’t have words for). We simply classify it according to its predominate characteristic. Reconnective Healing doesn’t specifically "treat" anything. If in its presence you allow yourself to come back into balance, as many people do, then you do. You just do.

What’s the difference between Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection?

The difference between Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection is basically one of intent. The intent of Reconnective Healing is essentially that of healing, be it physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or on any other level. And, of course, to achieve the degree of healing brought forth via Reconnective Healing, you will, to some extent, experience reconnection as part of the process. It’s this "Reconnection" that allows Reconnective Healing to be so dramatically more comprehensive than the healing "techniques" we’ve had up until now.
The intent of The Reconnection is to bring us into the fullness of our inherent connection with the universe. This is done via a two-session experience, commonly referred to as receiving your Personal Reconnection. And, of course, to achieve the degree of reconnection brought fourth via The Reconnection, you will, to some extent, experience healing as part of the process.
And, although the two are not completely separate processes, to obtain the full benefits of each, your Reconnective Healing sessions and your personal Reconnection sessions are to be experienced on separate occasions.

How will I know this attunement has taken place for me? What can I do so that my body becomes aware of the new vibrations and is able to act as a conduit for them?

You’re already in the process of undergoing these changes. The changes are occurring in you right now. For many, it’s an a priori conclusion that this process of attunement is encoding and unfolding in you even as you read this Q & A. For others, you most likely are, or are about to be, discovering it.

In my experience, there are three main "styles" by which people make this attunement, this shift to accommodate the new frequencies:

-You may notice changes in yourself almost from the beginning—new sensations of warmth, a strange feeling in your head or hands when you first hear about The Reconnection, or see the book in a store.

-For others, your process may begin after you pick up the book and hold it, or open it and start reading. You may begin to notice things happening as you read the book – or these FAQ’s – further and further. Immersed in the material, your sensations become more and more apparent.

-A few of you may not feel anything until a little later on—three days, three weeks, maybe longer.

Finally, there is a fourth "style"—the manifestor. This is a person who develops tiny blisters or experiences inexplicable bleeding, as I did at one point in my own development. If this happens, it only seems to last for a day or two, and simply means that your body is shifting to carry and accommodate these newer and larger (more comprehensive) frequencies.

I know there are other practitioners, but isn’t going to the source best? Won’t it be better from Eric Pearl himself?

It seems that by mere interaction with Eric, people are able to attune/pick up this ability almost instantly. And most, if not all of our seminar attendees are able to begin offering sessions upon successful completion of the seminar. Remember, the Source is God, Love and/or Universe, choose your word. Eric is simply the instrument through which these healings have been introduced to the world. The Source is always with all of us.

Has Eric or any other practitioner had success with (insert specific illness)?

We have seen so many patients over the years that, at this point, it’s almost impossible to remember all of the specific cases. The important concept for you to understand here is that three people can come in with the same diagnosis and the same set of symptoms and receive three different sets of results. Some of the largest and most dramatic healings we see occur in cases where we know nothing at all about what the patient was contending with. As Eric says, "Oftentimes the less the practitioner "knows" about what’s "wrong" with the patient/client, the better off that patient/client is." And while very many people see results that manifest physically in an immediate and permanent fashion, on rare occasion there are some people that do not demonstrate a recognizable response in the beginning. Many do later on, in a few days or a few weeks. And some may not. Most healings tend to be permanent. Some demonstrate in their fullness immediately, some evolve over time. Most every time, the healing you have is yours and remains with you.

What can I expect during a Reconnective Healing session or The Reconnection? What’s the best way to prepare for it? What can I do to allow it to be most effective?

Everyone’s experience with Reconnective Healing is unique. Often healings are reported in an instant in just one session, and sometimes it takes a bit longer for a healing to unfold. If you’re lucky, your healing will come in the form you anticipated; if you’re really lucky, your healing will come in a form you haven’t even thought of, one that the universe has in mind specifically for you.

Healings can come in all forms. The best way to allow for a healing is to proceed in a state of expectancy, without expectation or attachment. Place yourself on the table, relax, close your eyes and simply notice. Observe. Become both the observer and the observed.
Be in a relaxed atmosphere, lie down on your back on a massage table or whatever other comfortable arrangement you’ve decided on, close your eyes and notice. Just notice. Withdraw your participatory thought process and simply observe when there’s something to notice, as well as when there’s nothing to notice; lie there and let go, as if you simply had a little unexpected rest time.

I wouldn’t suggest that you try to make your mind a blank or try to think of nothing. As a rule, people have trouble with the concept of thinking of nothing. The mind is always going. I suggest that you simply notice whatever it is that brings itself to your attention. This gives you something to do and has a tendency to alleviate the stress often encountered when trying to think of nothing and finding that you don’t know how. Place your attention inside your body and allow it to travel through you. Observing whatever you perceive as out of the ordinary will give you enough to occupy your mind without your getting lost in mental "shoulds" and "shouldn’ts."
Don’t breathe a special way, don’t visualize relaxing scenes or a desired result, don’t meditate or repeat mantras, silently or otherwise, and don’t "do" anything else that I haven’t mentioned that you or someone else thinks will "help." It won’t. It will simply bring about what you’re able to do on your own and interfere with you being able to enjoy the fullness and the reality of the experience. And if that’s the case, you may as well stay home. When you’re ready to let go and not attempt to "direct" or enhance the experience, when your ego is out of the way sufficiently so you don’t attempt to "gild the lily," you’re ready to experience what makes Reconnective Healing different, what makes The Reconnection real.
You’re ready to receive.

How many sessions will I need? How long does it take to have a healing?

One visit—perhaps even part of one visit—may be plenty. Generally it is recommended that you consider up to three sessions. And, although each session is special, often something particularly special tends to be reported about session number three.

Healings occur in an instant. What takes "time" is for the person to "decide" to accept the healing. If you receive everything you’re looking for by your first, second or third session, it’s time to let go and allow things to unfold on their own. If you don’t receive anything by your third session, Reconnective Healing may not be the appropriate way for you to receive what you’re looking for at this time in your life. Again, you may want to let go and allow whatever might unfold to do so. You may choose to return in three, six, maybe even eighteen months. The only time I might consider a few more sessions is either: a) if a new situation arises for you; or b) if you’ve been experiencing clear, recognizable, consistent improvement over the first three visits and it looks as if there’s a little more to go. At that point, I might consider a few more sessions. After that, I would again let go and allow it time to unfold. Reconnective Healing is not about regular visits or "touch-ups." You do not need to come in for "weekly" sessions or on any kind of an "ongoing" basis. Once you have your session(s), you "own" your change, your healing, your evolution. It’s yours. No one can take it away from you. Ever.

To make an appointment, please email

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